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顾西辉,博士,中国地质大学(武汉)特聘西席,博士生导师,科技部国度要点研发运筹帷幄后生技俩首席科学家,入选斯坦福群众前2%科学家榜单。2012-2017年于中山大学硕博连读,在此时期,以推敲助理(Research Assistant)的身份屡次前去香港汉文大学和香港浸会大学开展科学推敲。2017年以“地大学者后生优秀东谈主才”引进至中国地质大学(武汉),2021年擢升为“地大学者后生拔尖东谈主才”,并以高等推敲学者身份前去牛津大学开展为期两年的访谒调换。弥远以来尽力于风物变化与灾害遥感规模的推敲,耦合卫星遥感反演、物理模子模拟和深度学习圭表,探索和处分碳轮回的植被效应、水轮回的洪旱效应等方面的科学和时刻问题。现在已在Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America(PNAS)、Geophysical Research Letters、Journal of Climate、Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere、Hydrology and Earth System Science、Journal of Hydrology等国外巨擘期刊发表学术论文100余篇,推敲责任被Nature手脚推敲亮点专文报谈、被Science等期刊论文援用逾越3000次(https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gu_Xihui2),8篇论文被IPCC AR6论述援用;出书学术专著4部,恳求/授权国度发明专利16项,登记计算机软件著述权40余项,取得省部级科技奖励2项。已主捏"十四五"国度要点研发运筹帷幄后生科学家技俩、科技部国外合营要点技俩、科技部高端异邦群众引进技俩、科技部国度要点研发运筹帷幄专项技俩(子课题)、国度当然科学基金后生/面上/要点(课题)技俩、湖北省当然科学基金面上技俩、湖北省科协智库技俩等科研技俩30余项。担任多个国异邦内期刊(后生)编委、欧洲地球物理学会OSSP奖励评审群众、汲引部和湖北省科技奖励评审群众、国度当然科学基金通信评审群众等学术兼职。
国度当然科学基金后生技俩, 2020.01-2022.12, 主捏
国度当然科学基金-广东省大数据科学中心斡旋基金要点技俩, 2020.01-2023.12, 科研主干(专题追究东谈主)
科技部国度要点研发运筹帷幄“群众变化及搪塞”要点专项技俩, 2018.05-2023.04, 科研主干(子课题追究东谈主)
湖北省汲引厅科学推敲运筹帷幄引导性技俩, 2022.09-2023.12, 主捏
中央高校教改基金专项技俩,2020.07-2022.06, 主捏
中央高校基本科研业务费, 2018.01-2020.12, 主捏
[37] Sijia Luo, Xihui Gu*, Yansong Guan, Yanhui Zheng, Lunche Wang, Xiang Zhang, Qian Cao, Dongdong Kong, Jianfeng Li. Anthropogenic climate change and urbanization exacerbate risk of hybrid heat extremes in China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2024, 129, e2024JD041568. (TOP SCI,当然指数源刊)
[36] Yangchen Lai, Xihui Gu*, LihongWe, Liangyi Wang, Louise J. Slater, Jianfeng Li, Donglei Shi, Mingzhong Xiao, LuncheWang, Yansong Guan, Dongdong Kong, Xiang Zhang. Slower-decaying tropical cyclones produce heavier precipitation over China. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 2024, 7, 99. (TOP SCI,Nature合营期刊,T1区)
[35] Yansong Guan, Xihui Gu*, Louise J. Slater, Xueying Li, Jianfeng Li, Lunche Wang, Xiongpeng Tang, Dongdong Kong, Xiang Zhang*. Human-induced intensification of terrestrial water cycle in dry regions of the globe. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 2024, 7, 45. (TOP SCI,Nature合营期刊,T1区)
[34] Xiang Zhang*, Yu Song, Won-Ho Nam, Tailai Huang, Xihui Gu*, Jiangyuan Zeng, Shuzhe Huang, Nengcheng Chen, Zhao Yan, Dev Niyogi. Data fusion of satellite imagery and downscaling for generating highly fine-scale precipitation. Journal of Hydrology, 2024, 631, 130665. (TOP SCI,T1区)
[33] Dongdong Kong, Yuxuan Xie, Xihui Gu*, Louise Slater, Hui Ci, Heyang Song. Contribution of Anthropogenic Activities to the Intensification of Heat Index-based Spatiotemporally Contiguous Heatwave Events in China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2024, 129, e2023JD040004. (TOP SCI,当然指数源刊)
[32] Cuiyan Liu, Shuyun Feng*, Qiang Zhang, Jiaxin Hu, Ning Ma, Hui Ci, Dongdong Kong, Xihui Gu*. Critical influence of vegetation response to rising CO2 on runoff changes. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 906, 167717. (TOP SCI,T1区)
[31] Lihong Wei, Xihui Gu*, Louise J. Slater, Yangchen Lai*, Dongdong Kong, Jianyu Liu, Jianfeng Li, Xiang Zhang. Heavier precipitation in response to longer-lasting tropical cyclones and rapid urbanization over the Yangtze River Delta of eastern China. Journal of Climate, 2024, 37, 403-418. (TOP SCI,T1区)
[30] Xinxin Zhang, Xihui Gu*, Louise J. Slater, Moctar Dembélé, Fatih Tosunoğlu, Yansong Guan, Jianyu Liu, Xiang Zhang, Dongdong Kong, Fenghua Xie*, Xiongpeng Tang, 2023. Amplification of coupled hot-dry extremes over eastern monsoon China. Earth's Future, 11(12), e2023EF003604. (TOP SCI,T1区)
[29] Yansong Guan, Xihui Gu*, Louise J. Slater, Jiabo Yin, Jianfeng Li, Solomon Hailu Gebrechorkos, Xiang Zhang, Dongdong Kong, Xuesong Yan1*, 2023. Increase in ocean-onto-land droughts and their drivers under anthropogenic climate change. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 2023, 6, 195. (TOP SCI,Nature合营期刊,T1区)
[28] Liangyi Wang, Xihui Gu*, Louise J. Slater, Yangchen Lai, Yanhui Zheng, Jie Gong, Moctar Dembélé, Fatih Tosunoğlu, Jianyu Liu, Xiang Zhang, Dongdong Kong, Jianfeng Li*. Attribution of the record-breaking extreme precipitation events in July 2021 over central and eastern China to anthropogenic climate change. Earth's Future, 2023, 11, e2023EF003613. (TOP SCI,T1区)
[27] Yansong Guan, Xihui Gu*, Louise J. Slater, Jianfeng Li*, Dongdong Kong, Xiang Zhang. Spatio-temporal variations in global surface soil moisture based on multiple datasets: Intercomparison and climate drivers. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 625, 130095. (TOP SCI,T1区)
[26] Liangyi Wang, Xihui Gu*, Louise J. Slater, Yangchen Lai, Xiang Zhang, Dongdong Kong, Jianyu Liu, Jianfeng Li*. Indirect and direct impacts of Typhoon In-Fa (2021) on heavy precipitation in inland and coastal areas of China: Synoptic-scale environments and return period analysis. Monthly Weather Review, 2023, 151, 2377-2395. (TOP SCI,T1区)
[25] Ruiying Min, Xihui Gu*, Yansong Guan, Xiang Zhang*, 2023. Increasing likelihood of global compound hot-dry extremes from temperature and runoff during the past 120 years. Journal of Hydrology, 2023,621, 129553. (TOP SCI,T1区)
[24] Licheng Wang, Xihui Gu*, Louise J. Slater, Jianfeng Li, Dongdong Kong, Xiang Zhang, Jianyu Liu*. Phase shifts of the PDO and AMO alter the translation distance of global tropical cyclones. Earth's Future, 2023,11(3), e2022EF003079. (TOP SCI,T1区)
[23] Chenxi Li, Xihui Gu*, Louise J. Slater, Jianyu Liu, Jianfeng Li, Xiang Zhang, Dongdong Kong. Urbanization-induced increases in heavy precipitation are magnified by moist heatwaves in an urban agglomeration of East China. Journal of Climate, 2023, 36,693-709. (TOP SCI,T1区)
[22] Licheng Wang, Xihui Gu*, Aminjon Gulakhmadov, Jianfeng Li, Louise J. Slater, Qiang Zhang*, Ming Luo, Guoyu Ren, Dongdong Kong, Yangcheng Lai, Jianyu Liu. An analysis of translation distance of tropical cyclones over the western North Pacific.Journal of Climate, 2022, 35, 4043-4060.(TOP SCI,T1区)
[21] Shuyun Feng, Xihui Gu*, Sijia Luo, Ruihan Liu, Aminjon Gulakhmadov, Louise J. Slater, Jianfeng Li, Xiang Zhang, Dongdong Kong*. Greenhouse gas emissions drive global dryland expansion but not spatial patterns of change in aridification. Journal of Climate, 2022, 35, 2901-2917.(TOP SCI,T1区)
[20] Jianyu Liu, Xingyu Feng, Xihui Gu*, Jiawen Zhang, Louise J. Slater, Dongdong Kong*. Detection and Attribution of Human Influence on the Global Diurnal Temperature Range Decline. Geophysical Research Letters, 2022, 49, e2021GL097155. (TOP SCI,T1区)
[19] Dongdong Kong, Tim R. McVicar, Mingzhong Xiao*, Yongqiang Zhang, Jorge L. Peña-Arancibia, Gianluca Filippa, Yuxuan Xie, Xihui Gu*. phenofit: An R package for extracting vegetation phenology from time series remote sensing. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2022, 13, 1508-1527. (TOP SCI,T1区)
[18] Yansong Guan, Xihui Gu*, Louise J.Slater, Lingfeng Li, Dongdong Kong, Jianyu Liu, Xiang Zhang, Xuesong Yan*. Tracing anomalies in moisture recycling and transport to two record-breaking droughts over the Mid-to-Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River.Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 609, 127787. (TOP SCI,T1区)
[17] Jianyu Liu, Shuyun Feng, Xihui Gu*, Yongqiang Zhang, Hylke E. Beck, Jiawen Zhang, Sheng Yan. Global changes in floods and their drivers. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 614, 128553. (TOP SCI,T1区)
[16] Xiaojie Yu, Xihui Gu*, Dongdong Kong, Qiang Zhang, Qian Cao, Louise J. Slater, Guoyu Ren, Ming Luo, Jianfeng Li, Jianyu Liu*, Jianmei Cheng, Yanan Li. Asymmetrical Shift Toward Less Light and More Heavy Precipitation in an Urban Agglomeration of East China: Intensification by Urbanization. Geophysical Research Letters, 2022, 49, e2021GL097046. (TOP SCI,T1区;被Nature手脚推敲亮点,专文报谈https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00489-6)
[15] Jianyu Liu, Yuanyuan You, Jianfeng Li, Stephen Sitch, Xihui Gu*, …, Dongdong Kong*. Response of global land evapotranspiration to climate change, elevated CO2, and land use change. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2021, 311, 108663. (TOP SCI,T1区)
[14] ChenXi Li, Xihui Gu*, Wenkui Bai, Louise J. Slater, Jianfeng Li, Dongdong Kong, Jianyu Liu*, Yanan Li. Asymmetric response of short- and long-duration dry spells to warming during the warm-rain season over Eastern monsoon China.Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 603,127114. (TOP SCI,T1区)
[13]Jianyu Liu, Yuanyuan You, Qiang Zhang*, Xihui Gu*. Attribution of streamflow changes across the globe based on the Budyko framework. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 794, 148662. (TOP SCI,T1区)
[12] Yangchen Lai, Jianfeng Li*, Xihui Gu*, Cancan Liu, Yongqin David Chen. Global compound floods from precipitation and storm surge: Hazards and the roles of cyclones. Journal of Climate, 2021, 34(20), 8319-8339. (TOP SCI,T1区)
[11] Yangchen Lai, Jianfeng Li*, Xihui Gu*, Yongqin David Chen, Dongdong Kong, Thian Yew Gan, Maofeng Liu, Qingquan Li, Guofeng Wu. Greater flood risks in response to slowdown of tropical cyclones over the coast of China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020, 117(26), 14751-14755. (国外顶刊)
[10] Xihui Gu, Qiang Zhang, Jianfeng Li, Deliang Chen, Vijay P. Singh, Yongqiang Zhang, Jianyu Liu, Zexi Shen, Huiqian Yu. Impacts of anthropogenic warming and uneven regional socio-economic development on global river flood risk. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 590, 125262. (TOP SCI,T1区)
[9] Xihui Gu, Qiang Zhang, Jianfeng Li, Jianyu Liu, Chong-Yu Xu, Peng Sun. The changing nature and projection of floods across Australia. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 584, 124703. (TOP SCI,T1区,IPCC AR6论述援用)
[8] Dongdong Kong, Xihui Gu*, Jianfeng Li*, Guoyu Ren, Jianyu Liu. Contributions of global warming and urbanization to the intensification of human‐perceived heatwaves over China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2020, 125, e2019JD032175. (TOP SCI,当然指数源刊)
[7] Xihui Gu, Qiang Zhang, Jianfeng Li, Vijay P. Singh, Peng Sun. Impact of urbanization on nonstationarity of annual and seasonal precipitation extremes in China. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 575, 638-655.(TOP SCI,T1区)
[6] Xihui Gu, Zhang Qiang, Li Jianfeng, Vijay P. Singh, Liu Jianyu, Sun Peng, Cheng Changxiu. Attribution of global soil moisture drying to human activities: A quantitative viewpoint. Geophysical Research Letters, 2019, 46, 2573-2582.(TOP SCI,当然指数源刊;IPCC AR6论述援用)
[5] Xihui Gu, Zhang Qiang, Li Jianfeng, Vijay P. Singh, Liu Jianyu, Vijay P. Singh, Peng Sun, Chunyang He, Jianjun Wu. Intensification and expansion of soil moisture drying in warm season over Eurasia under global warming. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2019, 124, 3765-3782.(TOP SCI,当然指数源刊)
[4] Xihui Gu, Jianfeng Li, Yongqin David Chen, Dongdong Kong, Jianyu Liu. Consistency and discrepancy of global surface soil moisture changes from multiple model‐based data sets against satellite observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2019, 124, 1474-1495.(TOP SCI,当然指数源刊;IPCC AR6论述援用)
[3] Qiang Zhang, Xihui Gu*, Vijay P. Singh, Peijun Shi, Peng Sun. More frequent flooding? Changes in flood frequency in the Pearl River basin, China, since 1951 and over the past 1000 years. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2018, 22, 2637-2653.
[2] Zhang Qiang, Xihui Gu*, Li Jianfeng, Shi Peijun, Vijay P. Singh. The Impact of Tropical Cyclones on Extreme Precipitation over Coastal and Inland Areas of China and Its Association to ENSO. Journal of Climate, 2018, 31, 1865-1880.(TOP SCI,T1区)
[1] Xihui Gu, Qiang Zhang, Vijay P. Singh, Yongjie Zheng. Changes in magnitude and frequency of heavy precipitation across China and its potential links to summer temperature. Journal of Hydrology, 2017, 547, 718-731. (TOP SCI,T1区)
[1] 张强, 顾西辉, 孙鹏, 史培军. 华南区域非自如径流经过及水生态效应. 北京: 科学出书社, 2018, pp1-170.
[2] 顾西辉, 张强. 区域顶点降水事件时空统计特征及机理. 北京: 科学出书社, 2020, pp1-183.
[3]刘剑宇、顾西辉、白文魁. 区域与群众急流时空演酿成因过头影响推敲. 北京:中国水利水电出书社,2021.
[1] 顾西辉, 刘剑宇, 孔冬冬. 群众急流发生风险与自大度评价与异日评估软件,2019SR0757606,计算机软件著述权,中华东谈主民共和国国度版权局
[2] 顾西辉, 刘剑宇, 孔冬冬. 急活水文风物学特征过头对群众变暖的反映评估软件,2019SR1085729,计算机软件著述权,中华东谈主民共和国国度版权局
[3] 顾西辉, 刘剑宇, 孔冬冬. 急流产期许制默契与发生风险评估软件,2019SR1083832,计算机软件著述权,中华东谈主民共和国国度版权局
[4] 顾西辉, 刘剑宇, 孔冬冬. 多源泥土水分数据模拟精度相比与评估软件,2019SR0757720,计算机软件著述权,中华东谈主民共和国国度版权局
[5] 顾西辉, 刘剑宇, 孔冬冬. 欧亚大陆泥土水分干旱化监测、评估及能源机制默契软件,2019SR0757795,计算机软件著述权,中华东谈主民共和国国度版权局
[6] 顾西辉, 刘剑宇, 孔冬冬. 群众泥土水分弥远变化趋势与能源机制默契软件,2019SR1085893,计算机软件著述权,中华东谈主民共和国国度版权局
[7] 顾西辉, 刘剑宇, 孔冬冬. 基于指纹法的群众泥土水分干旱化归因软件,2019SR1083740,计算机软件著述权,中华东谈主民共和国国度版权局
[8] 顾西辉, 刘剑宇, 孔冬冬. 热带气旋对沿海和内陆顶点降水影响评估软件,2019SR1085722,计算机软件著述权,中华东谈主民共和国国度版权局
[1] 刘剑宇, 张强, 顾西辉. 一种苟且时空圭臬径流变化定量归因圭表、系统及安装. 国度发明专利, 专利号:ZL201910992017.2, 2022
[2] 王立诚, 顾西辉, 刘剑宇, 孔冬冬. 基于耦合模子集成模拟的急流对社会经济影响的评估圭表. 国度发明专利, 专利号:ZL201911078355.1, 2021
[3]管延松, 顾西辉, 蒋磊, 郑炎辉, 颜雪松, 刘剑宇, 孔冬冬, 张翔. 一种海洋-内陆干旱事件识别与传播机理分析圭表及系统. 国度发明专利, 恳求号2023104110902
[4]闵睿盈, 顾西辉, 蒋磊, 冯舒云, 张翔, 郑炎辉, 孔冬冬. 一种百年圭臬的复合高温-水文干旱事件演变的检测与归因圭表. 国度发明专利, 恳求号2023104280180
[5]顾西辉, 王双玉, 李晨光, 刘剑宇, 孔冬冬. 基于偏微分方程的急流季节性开动机制识别与归因圭表. 国度发明专利, 恳求号202210414460.3
[6]顾西辉, 余晓洁, 李晨光, 孔冬冬, 刘剑宇. 城市暴雨时空纠合性及城市化能源和热能源作用量化圭表. 国度发明专利, 恳求号202210414395.4
[7]冯舒云, 顾西辉, 孔冬冬. 一种干旱区面积彭胀的变暖信号识别与东谈主口影响评估圭表. 国度发明专利, 恳求号202210445630.4
[8]韦李宏, 顾西辉, 孔冬冬, 刘剑宇. 基于客不雅天气图分析法的城市化对热带气旋降水影响的定量评估圭表. 国度发明专利, 恳求号202210414388.4
[9]韦李宏, 顾西辉, 孔冬冬, 刘剑宇, 张翔. 登陆热带气旋强度衰减识别过头对降雨影响的评估圭表. 国度发明专利, 恳求号202210882183.9
[10]管延松, 顾西辉, 孔冬冬, 刘剑宇, 颜雪松. 一种顶点干旱事件水汽溯源和运送止境识别圭表及系统. 国度发明专利, 恳求号202210882183.9
[11]熊力, 孔冬冬, 顾西辉, 宋和洋, 刘剑宇, 白文魁. 一种基于三维时空贯穿性的热浪事件跟踪圭表. 国度发明专利, 恳求号202111480802.3
[12]孔冬冬, 谢宇轩, 顾西辉, 刘剑宇, 罗念念嘉, 熊力. 基于遥感植被指数提真金不怕火植被物候方针的圭表及安装. 国度发明专利, 恳求号202111582906.